Monday 7 May 2007

Exposing the insanity of Crossrail hole plot-backer and racist Thatcherite and supporter of the invasion of Iraq - Matthew Parris

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scheme scam project Bill

AADHIKARonline 5th Edition 2115 Hrs GMT London Bank holiday 07.05. 2007

Exposing the insanity of Crossrail hole plot-backer Matthew Parris - a truly insecure, flawed individual whose racist venom against the people who refused to vote for Oona King at the May 2005 general elections overwhelmed him to call for Crossrail to be used as a tool to punish the people of the East End with!

The Muhammad Haque daily [economic] commentary

2000 Hrs GMT London [Bank holiday] Monday 7 May 2007
The crassness at the core of the Crossrail ‘hole plot scam, scheme, project’ Bill has been the main reason why I have said for 40 months now, that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole plot should be heeded to and the Crossrail Bill as it is now, should be scrapped.
Although we created the Khoodeelaar! Movement initially to defend the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney area against the immediate horrendous and lasting destructive attacks by Big Business and their key promoter, the 'Undone mayor' Ken Livingstone and his co-peddlers [including those installed by the City of Londo0n interests on the City of London corporation notably the Snyder element] via Crossrail on this area of inner city London, the package contained in the present ‘Crossrail Bill’ [which as put before the UK House of Commons in February 2005, 13 months after our campaign against the plot had begun] lacks economic, environmental and financial credibility. It therefore falls on those real criteria as applicable to the entirely of the metropolis that the plan is supposed to affect.
Throughout the past 40 months of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the Crossrail hole plot, we have undertaken daily examination of every single aspect of the ‘arguments’ as advanced by touts and agents paid from the UK public funds but active in the promotion of Big Business interest! We have been representing our opposition from the ground and all the costs of our research, our audit, scrutiny and writing and publishing are being borne by ourselves. As our campaign is one of ethics, morality and principle, we are not paid by anyone. And we do not want to be paid for what we have been doing for 40 months. We expose the claims made by the peddlers for the highly fundamentally flawed Crossrail hole project. As we have pointed out in the past, one of the propagandists for CrossRail hole is a racist man called Matthew Parris. Those who suffer the propaganda slots of the BBC will be familiar with his name and his cringe-making voice and even more embarrassing postures on TV. Based on the evidence of his touting for various interests and prejudices over the years of his manifestly petty career it is independently and objectively demonstrable that Matthew Parris is as flawed about humanity and human conditions as is the CRASSrail hole plot that he has been insanely backing. His insanity is not exceptional. Nor is it a state that can be remotely compared with what in the language of English criminal law is known as the 'McNaghten Rules' syndrome. Matthew Parries is like Ken Livingstone quite deeply insecure and is in need of constant attention. It is the one thing that dominates his psyche. So to get the attention he – and Livingstone – individually, craves, they will say anything as long as it is capable of drawing attention. This is why Parris said a few months back that he would CHEER Ken Livingstone to declare that he, Livingstone would run again for London mayor as an ‘independent Tory’! Parris made the only ‘factual’ comment as the alleged reason for his backing for the ‘Undone mayor’ and that was that to him [Matthew Parris] Livingstone was a true believer in Crossrail!
As if this Crossrail plot was another universally applicable religious phenomenon! Or a cult! And not one of MANY intellectual ‘solutions’ to the mess that is the UK transport system.
Why was Matthew parries citing Crossrail in a religious, fanatic way?
Had Parris been converted to a fundamental religious cult?
Or perhaps he had been unfenced by George Galloway?
The Galloway link to Matthew Parris - or, to be factually accurate, the Matthew Parris link of hatred against George Galloway - is even more telling about the insanity of Parris and anyone else who is still ‘thinking’ of promoting the CRASSrail hole plot.
Parris is a deeply reactionary man. His personal background has a lot to do with the way he champions racist and reactionary forces.
In the run up to the UK general elections held in May 2005, almost ALL the mainstream trendies working for the British rightwing establishment – most of these trendies had replaced their counterparts of the 1970s and the 1980s and were openly racist, reactionary and Zionist – went out of their way to deride George Galloway. Galloway’s offence in their eyes was that he was standing for election to the UK House of Commons from the constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow. That seat was then occupied by one of Tony Blair’s alleged ‘Babes’, a woman that the late time-serving trendy Tony Bonkers Banks praised to the outer space when he condemned Galloway on the British TV 'election results' programmes for replacing her on the morning after the election.
And within a short time after that election, Matthew Parris wrote an unconcealed piece of racist incitement.

Parris said that Tony Blair should now drive the Crossrail hole through Brick Lane! Why? His answer was, ‘they voted for Galloway, didn’t’ they?’
Parris was in one brief sentence exposing as sham the billions words of propaganda about the sanctity of parliament, of the sanctity of the ‘British electoral system’ the sanctity of the ‘British commentator’
Parris was saying that the electors of Bethnal Green and Bow should be PUNISHED by imposing the Crossrail hole upon the area! It was nothing to do with any economics. Nothing to do with bringing regeneration. It was to degenerate the area. To destroy it. To devastate and to displace the people. The people among whom are so many culprits that dared to vote Oona King out and bring in George Galloway….

Parris is known to have been a British Tory MP. Whilst he was an MP, he posed for about a week as a person on the dole and then turned that offensively fake evidence to justify making all manner of claims about poverty, about class and about society as a whole. Whilst he was doing the pretending for a week, he was of course also acting as a 'journalist' and had the backing of the entire mainstream British media, print radio and TV [those were the days before the mass use of the internet was not even known, let alone practised by anyone outside of the main USA and Pentagon-centred operatives mostly keeping their use of the internet secret]…..
[To be continued] CLICK HERE to view the item published on the London, Rupert Murdoch Times website dated 7 may 2007, entitled ‘Funding concerns keep Crossrail project stalled in the sidings”

From the editions of AADHIKARonline as published on Sunday 6 May 2007

Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against the CrossRail hole ‘plot, scheme, and scam. Project’ Bill [now in the UK House of Commons] publishing programme on Sunday 6 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow against the CrossRail hole ‘plot, scam, scheme, project’ Bill [in the UK House of Commons as at 6 May 2007]
Khoodeelaar! Updating the advice to Gordon Brown, the UK Finance Minister, - the Khoodeelaar! Advice was first made available to Brown by the Khoodeelaar! sponsoring organisation, CBRUK, the Committee for Bangladeshis’ Rights in the UK in February 2004 when this campaign against Crossrail hole plot had set out the key problems inherent in and associated with the hugely wasteful and diversionary CRASSrail plot. We can now note that our analysis as made available to Gordon Brown in February 2004 has been vindicated over the past 40 months by ALL independent economic observers of the Crassrail plot – a Khoodeelaar! Economic report on the fundamentally flawed CrossRail hole Bill, due to be submitted to the UK treasury ['Finance Ministry'] in the near future- texts and summaries will be published here
Who is [are] behind the CrossRail hole-plot-backer monopoly ‘evening newspaper’ London Evening Standard’s ‘political writer’ Ann McElvoy? Who has been devising and setting her agenda against Gordon Brown, as she [McElvoy] has made plain in her series of idiotic plugs and lures aimed at getting David Miliband to challenge Brown at the formal level for the Blaired party's 'leadership' ?? McElvoy has been given yet another [of the hundreds of such] slot on the BBC Radio 4 to do another 'damning critique' [she hopes] of Gordon Brown –she is, like the former Guardian propagandist and current racist slot-occupier on the London Daily Mail Melanie Peelips, highly obvious and shallow and she is shamelessly racist, opposed to universal human rights and is a diehard, almost xenophobic plotter against the reduction of discrimination in society ….- Where Anne McElvoy comes in as a plotter for CrossRail hole Bill against the East End of London – our analysis will appear here soon
Crossrail hole-plotter and academic fraudster the LSE-based tout and member of the Ken Lyinsgtyill ‘fan club’ Tony Travers was party to the latest lying Crossrail hole-plot backing item carried in the Evening Standard in the past 2 weeks which included the claim that Crossrail would bring in more than £60 thousand million of benefits to London ! Why would a so-called LSE academic be party to such a preposterous and incredibly brazen lie? –We start the promised series of reports on who Tony Travers is – academically speaking, of course! And investigate his backgrounds enough to find that he learnt to lie in the name of academic projects almost 30 years previously when he was part of a criminal plot to deceive the then Secretary of State that he, Travers, was another ‘inner city boy’ without formal academic qualification. Travers actually lied about his ‘academic’ records and took part in a crime of fabricating an entire, then experimental’ academic course…..[To be continued]

From the previous editions as published on Sunday 6 May 2007

The other latest Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole plot action and news items will appear on this site during the next hours
AADHIKAROnline quoting UK Liberal Democrats [1 May 2007] doing their bit for Big Business CRASSrail hole plot with the publicity that Tom Brake their ‘transport spokesman’ MP in the House of Commons had just gone on the record as being another Big Business CRASSrail plotters’ stooge 'in parliament' devoid of any independence of mind whatever. The Lib Dims website stated as follows

“At a debate on the Crossrail bill Tom Brake called on the government to give assurances on the funding of the project”

AADHIKAROnline UNQuoting UK Liberal Democrats [1 May 2007] doing their bit for Big Business CRASSrail hole plot with the publicity that Tom Brake their ‘transport spokesman’ MP in the House of Commons had just gone on the record as being another Big Business CRASSrail plotters’ stooge devoid of any independence of mind whatever

AADHIKARonine editions as published in association with the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scam scheme project Bill
Internet Legal disclaimer as at Saturday 5 May 2007
Khoodeelaar! Defends the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 against Crossrail hole Bill. Khoodeelaar! is also the constitutional campaign against the misuse by the CrossRail hole plotters, their touts and agents and the victims of their brainwashing and propaganda, of what constitution there is for the local people to get due and proper representation and say on the existing ‘legitimate’ bodies like the local Tower Hamlets Council in the East End of London [and similar allegedly constitutionally active [in the clear sense of being ‘legitimate, democratic and also ethical’ a high order indeed!] bodies, outfits and institutions] and in the UK House of Commons.
Khoodeelaar! began on 31 January 2004 and has continued the work of defending the area by applying a multiplicity of tactics and skills. Those have included the publication of a 24/7 news website as well as the monitoring and auditing of the key legislative programme that was devised by Big Business-prompted administration of Tony Blair to give legitimacy to the wider onslaught on the community for which Crossrail hole Bill is a mere cover.
Khoodeelaar! Is a Seelotee word, devised and activated specifically in the East End of London where the political, social and cultural composition of the community needs the presence of a Seelotee language word that speaks volumes for the community of all backgrounds. Khoodeelaar! has in the past 40 months [as at 1831 Hrs GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007] created a frame of reference of active articulation of defence of the community at all levels of decision-making. One of these references is provided by the daily publication with AADHIKAR Media Foundation of original reports, analyses and reflections that address all key issues that affect the present and influence the future of the community in the East End of London. [From earlier editions that were running up to 1830 Hrs GMT 28 April 2007] Is the campaign for the defence of some of the most deprived, disenfranchised people to be found in any part of the UK. The defence of the community against the big business attacks has included the fact that the big business tout and colluder for the destruction of local democracy in London 'the London mayor ken Livingstone' has abused his position and engaged criminals to spread smear and lies against the campaign. The smears and the lies have been noted by our campaign and we shall publish those with our evidence of the history of smears that the racist Livingstone has conducted against all critics who have seen through his racist abuse of power and office and camouflages in his ethnicity linked corruption of office and clinging on to office at the expense of the people of the given borough or of the ‘greater’ London area depending on the time that he has held any post at a borough level or on a `London wide platform such as now, as the ‘undone mayor’!. The Khoodeelaar! Movement has been actively opposing the CrossRail hole attacks on the east end since 31 January 2004. In that time, we have exposed more lies and have drawn attention to more abuse of public resources by big business robbers than has been the case by any ‘select’ committee’ formally sitting in the UK house of commons or by any of the Quangos [which stands for – or lets down by ‘ the quasi autonomous non-governmental organizations – now redesigned or described as ‘non-departmental organizations’], including the various’ audit’ outfits that themselves are paid from the public funds. Khoodeelaar! Is also the publisher with AADHIKARMedia media foundation of one of the most active series of non-profit, non-commercial daily and round the clock internet publishing programmes taking place from the UK.
Published by AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION IN Association with the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against The Crossrail hole plot. Scheme, scam, project’ bill [in The UK house of commons as at the date of the Publication Of this edition]

Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKARMedia in association with ‘Khoodeelaar! The brick lane and Whitechapel London E1 area no to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and Project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign


summarised version Of The Aadhikaronline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer At 1830 HRS GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007
this Statement is Being Made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal Reasons. The Moral claims and responsibilities for the contents Herein Are Being owned and declared by the editor and the Aadhikar Media foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and Authorship Rights are also asserted. This statement and Disclaimer Was Edited and updated at 1830 Hrs GMT on Saturday 28 April 2007
this material is published on a purely Non-profit, Non-commercial, Internationally humanitarian and educational basis. The cost of production including the transferable Costs, Are all Borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION, Based in London
the full texts of the Current Aadhikaronline legal disclaimer is available on Email Request to

for the purpose of Alerting visitors to the Aadhikar media foundation Sites And Pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1805 Hrs GMT on Saturday 14 April 2007
AADHIKARonline And These editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The Campaign against the CrossRail hole project Plan Scheme Scam bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail bill’, currently a Draft Piece Of legislation in the UK houses of parliament] Published Purely As an educational and information resource Conceived of, devised, originally Researched Authored and created by the editor and any named Or Identified Other writer and or author. Not for inclusion in any Commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged Work Or Confection or operation or piece that is in any way at Any Stage To be treated as an academic work in any institution Anywhere. All the contents in this edition [as in the allied Editions] Of Aadhikaronline are originally researched, Conceived Of and Are totally written and edited by the editor except Where A Quotation or a reference or an attribution to a third Party or person as the author or originator or the Source is Included Which reference/s is/are expressly acknowledged, Cited and Detailed. The same legal and ipr conditions and Restrictions apply to any inclusion in Any Type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task Or Production in any part of the world. Not for Inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, Pro-racist, Colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, Trade or Operation. All materials published from London UK By Aadhikar media foundation on this web site or On any Associated web sites remain the intellectual and Moral Creation And property of the creating author/s and editor. None of The statements, contents or analyses contained Here Must be included with any publication in print or in Any Other form whether electronic or otherwise that is Not Authorized and approved by the author/s publisher And The editor of these materials and contents